Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Thomas...

Meet the adorable Baby Thomas. We had a great newborn session with this little guy. With mom's help he pretty much slept the whole time. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

Sweet Pea...

Here are some updated photos of London Paige. I posted pictures of her as a newborn in an earlier blog. She is getting so big. She is like her moms twin, its so funny. So adorable ...isn't she?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Farewell Princess...

We had a sadness strike our family this week. Our pediatrician called with Baby Richie's lab results stating he has a really high allergy to dogs. So this ment we had to give up our Prin. She is our 2 1/2 year old english bulldog. She has been with us since she was 10 weeks old. And what a joy it has been. She was the best dog you could ever ask for. The kids were so close with her. They would all play together for hours. We love her so much but the baby's health is much more important so we had to make the hard decision to find her a new home. She has gone with a good friend. He actually works with my husband and promises we can visit. We are gonna miss her very much and our home will never be the same! We love you "Prin"!!!