Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Girl & Her Trees...

Here is what my little girl looks like on a typical day. Her thumbs in her mouth and this blanket wrapped around her pretty much from head to toe (as you can see!) She has had this blanket since she was a baby and it rarely leaves her side. It even has a name...TREES! We joke all the time that she will probably take this thing to college with her! Ya gotta love her!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My 1st Birthday Boy!!!

Why do I gotta wear this stupid hat, MOM!

I can't believe it but my baby boy turned one already! We had a great little party with close family and friends. A party's not a party until the little stinker man has an allergic reaction. Poor little kid broke out from his own birthday cake. His face got a little irritated/nothing major. But he loved it anyway. Here some pics from the party.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Beautiful Day, Beautiful Family...

Here's a sneak peak for one of my favorite familes. These guys rocked it. What a great family. We had so much fun at this session, I think we did more laughing than anything else! We hung out at the gorgeous Tookany Creek Park. And these kids were really cooperative and made sure we had so much fun! Hope you enjoy your images. Thanks for a great session!