Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Welcoming 2009...

Hey everone. Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday. We sure did.

Just letting everyone know of some updates happening around here. There are going to be some new products coming up in January. Also we will be running some specials for the New Year. So be sure to keep checking back.

Anyway wish you all a wonderful, safe New Year! Be sure to check back to watch out for all the specials and new products!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mama to be...

Here's a sneak peek for a sweet couple I had the privilege to photograph over the weekend. They are expecting their first baby next month. We had a great time during this session.

Hope you guys enjoy your sneak peek, thanks for a great session!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Quite the HAM...

Here's some images from a mini session I did yesterday. These children were wonderful to work with. Little Lily was quite the ham! She absolutley loved being in front of the camera. It made my job very easy. Thanks for a great session!

Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!