First off, as you can see I have been terrible at blogging but today I had to take the time to share my morning. It was an OMG moment!
So I have a maternity shoot scheduled. I type into the trusty GPS my destination and it guides me there. When I was 5 minutes away I called my mom to be and said I was around the corner. She then says I am upstairs doin my hair so just walk in. So GPS says "you have reached your destiation". I look and address is correct so what do I do...I walk in.
A woman is on the phone so I softly yell I am here! She gets off the phone and says your here? Are you here for church? I was like no, here for maternity photos. Here the lovely GPS took me to the correct address just in the wrong town!!!
Yes thats right, i walked into a strangers house (with all my equitment by the way). Thank God she was a good sport and we had a good laugh. I could have been killed if she wasnt a nice person! LOL.
I ended up being a few minutes late for the actual session but my people were great about it and couldnt stop laughing!
It ended up being a wonderful session with a couple expecting their first baby. They were so adorable and so in love. Mom was gorgeous and very photogenic.
Here is a sneak peek!