Saturday, May 16, 2009

GPS...never trust it!

First off, as you can see I have been terrible at blogging but today I had to take the time to share my morning. It was an OMG moment!

So I have a maternity shoot scheduled. I type into the trusty GPS my destination and it guides me there. When I was 5 minutes away I called my mom to be and said I was around the corner. She then says I am upstairs doin my hair so just walk in. So GPS says "you have reached your destiation". I look and address is correct so what do I do...I walk in.

A woman is on the phone so I softly yell I am here! She gets off the phone and says your here? Are you here for church? I was like no, here for maternity photos. Here the lovely GPS took me to the correct address just in the wrong town!!!

Yes thats right, i walked into a strangers house (with all my equitment by the way). Thank God she was a good sport and we had a good laugh. I could have been killed if she wasnt a nice person! LOL.

I ended up being a few minutes late for the actual session but my people were great about it and couldnt stop laughing!

It ended up being a wonderful session with a couple expecting their first baby. They were so adorable and so in love. Mom was gorgeous and very photogenic.

Here is a sneak peek!

GPS...never trust it!


Here is a sneak peek for the Kaye family who just 8 days ago welcomed their first baby into the world. Little Abigail was not to happy with us having her in her birthday suit, but with the help of her mom and dad we were able to steal some great shots!

Enjoy your sneak peek!